Monthly Archives: November 2023

Makerfabs Blog
A Simple Tiny Device to Build I/O with the Physical World.
Reduce the Lora Sensor Power Consumption In this project, we will learn how to reduce the Lora sensor power consumption, we aimed to make the Lora soil moisture sensor can be long
MicroPython ESP32 Tutorial - Interfacing Ultrasonic Sensor In this MicroPython ESP32 Tutorial, we will be interfacing Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 with MakePython ESP32 using MicroPython Code. 1. Ove
What're the Advantages of EPaper Display? E Ink is a popular type of electronic paper display technology. What are the advantages of EPaper Display? In this article, we will discus
ESP32 MicroPython Based Web Server In this ESP32 MicroPython based web server tutorial, we use MakePython ESP32 to interface the DS18B20 waterproof Temperature sensor, and r
SMT Assembly Service Capability As a turnkey PCB assembly service vendor, Makerfabs provide SMT assembly services for small batch PCBA prototyping and mass production. Ge
OLED vs LCD: What's the Difference? OLED vs LCD: What's the difference? Basically, OLED panels are made from organic materials that emit light when electricity is applied, wh